Treinta días de tu vida

Day 22

It was almost the end of the day when you received a message. You were astonished by why had that girl decided to give you a chance for a date? You were skeptical about this message but you texted back and no answer was given.

It was three o' clock, the very same day that you received that message. At this time, you were eating a delicious meal: Mexican cheese empanadas. The cook's daughter served you and blinked an eye. You were surprised. Why would she do that? She was younger than you and you had known her mother for more than twenty years. Then she approached again and you found out that she had a bliking eye. You laughed when you left the place. 

You opened your eyes at 6:34 am. There was no electricity because of the storm. You reached a candle by your bed and went to the kitchen to get a lighter. That day there was no milkshake for you. You took your hat and walked like you did everyday. Someone called you and you typed something in your SixthSense device.

When you were in bed at around 5:00 in the morning the following day, there was a reminder in your screen. You made a mistake: you set the reminder at am time and not pm. It was your last chance.


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