Treinta días de tu vida

Day 20

Pérez was a very hard-working man. He used to wake up early every day, take the only bus in town and travel two hours to go to work. Unfortunately, because of some strange circumstances, he became a homeless in town. Pérez lost his prestige as a hard-working man and gained reputation for being a thief. Everybody in town began to judge him and anytime something disappeared, he was to blame. His clothes were worn out and he never wore shoes again. He always carried a white sack on his back and mothers used to scare their kids by telling them that if they misbehaved the man with the sack would take them away. That's what your mother used to tell you and you were always scared as a kid. When you grew older and were in high school you named that man differently. He was not Pérez anymore but Peye. He was always in trouble: sometimes with no food to eat and sometimes in jail but he was always freed because nobody presented charges. One day, however, he stole things from a judge and he spent ten years in prison. When he was freed, there was something different about him. He did not steal anymore. Now he begged but people ignored him. You saw him once at the bus station and he was begging for food. You offered him something to eat and he thanked you from the bottom of his heart. That year, there were below zero temperatures but you did not care about it because you would leave town that night. Four months later you came back and in the middle of the talk someone asked “did you know that Peye is dead?” You could not believe it.


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