Treinta días de tu vida

Day 14

Patulht's father died one Monday afternoon. You and Quique decided to collect money to help him pay some of the funeral expenses. At the end of the day, you saw Patulht down and somehow out of this world. You and Quique accompanied him and another of your friends joined you. You were suffering the same loss. Patulht suggested having a beer and all of you went to the closest bar. It was one beer for each one, then one more and one more and then, you all were a bit drunk and penniless but you wanted to continue drinking. Suddenly someone had the brilliant idea of taking some of the money you had collected for the funeral expenses and keep drinking. It would have been an irresponsible act if it hadn't been for one of you who decided to keep a record of all the money you were spending at the bar.  Fortunately, Patulht decided that it was too late and that he had to be at the funeral. The following day, you added the missing money and gave it to you friend. Years later, somebody else died too and the story was repeated.


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