Treinta días de tu vida

Day 12

Remember that day: You and your new three friends were trapped because of the rain. It was the first time you met and it was also the first time you felt scared because you had never seen so much water. The streets were wide rivers and you thought the place would flood and you would be in danger because you cannot swim. There were people around you but they were calmed. They knew pretty well that this would be one more rain in the history of their town. But you did not know that. They saw your scared faces but after two hours, you saw that everything was as normal as it was before. There was still plenty of water flowing but the level decreased little by little. It was getting darker and darker till night showed up. You all took the way home and had to walk three kilometers of water, stone and earth. By the time you reached home, you had to cope with the experience of having no electricity at all. That day you became aware of the place you were at, the comfortable life you had before and the sensitivity of living like many other people do in distant places of the globe. Life meant something different for all of you since that day.


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