
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2012


Luis Villatoro: Mano con pez Paciencia, paciencia. Sólo necesito ser paciente antes de que tome la decisión de marcharme. El trato fue que nos encontraríamos en este lugar. Tengo mucho tiempo sentado alrededor de esta pecera transparente pasada de moda. Hubiese preferido el estanque al otro lado del acuario con sus cristales gruesos   y las algas delgaditas que adornan bien el fondo con toques surrealistas, pero por la privacidad del asunto optamos por encontrarnos aquí. Los peces de mi ojo marcan las diez de la noche. Yo creo que mejor me voy de aquí. No creo que los cachalotes lleguen. El agua está muy fría como para permanecer más tiempo cerca del abismo. Del otro lado me espera un ambiente luminoso sin frío y sin preocupaciones pero antes debo dar el mensaje a los cachalotes. No, no hay rastros de ellos y el lugar está a punto de cerrar. --Calamar, el alga por favor. --Aquí tiene señor. --No puede ser, cuarenta y tres escamas por una mano humana. Por D...

Explorer vs Otros exploradores

Blogger tiene diferentes herramientas para editar los textos que se publican en las páginas principales de los que escribimos. De entre ellas, una herramienta que me ha llamado la atención es la de las estadísticas en las que se pueden ver quiénes nos visitan y todavía más desde qué sistema operativo o explorador se ven nuestras páginas. Me asombra conocer que partticularmente para el caso de los navegadores, Internet Explorer ya no sea la máxima autoridad para acceder a la red. En cambio, se ven cada vez más las migraciones de los usuarios a otros navegadores como el Mozilla Firefox , RockMelt , Opera , entre otros. El porcentaje que suman esos exploradores superan el de el gigante que hasta hace algunos años había sido Internet Explorer . Posiblemente las razones para dejar de utilizar Explorer pueden ser fallas en el despliegue de la información y la lentitud de éste para acceder a algunas páginas de la red. Los usuarios ya no dependemos de una sola opción para ...

Treinta días de tu vida

Día 0 Hoy es el inicio de todo. Se cuenta la historia de un hombre incógnito y de su vida entrelazada con otras vidas. Este hombre puede ser cualquiera. Él se hace referir como tú. En su cabeza giran momentos memorables de su vida y de vidas de otros con las que se encuentra en diferentes espacios. Se encontrará con un personaje llamado Zoe, quien le recordará que es persona mayor y que se ocupó de ella. Zoe estará jugando con él, correrá y aprenderá de este hombre. El inicio de esta serie de episodios son sólo treinta días de esta persona que engloban y entrelazan vidas en pasados distantes y cercanos. Cuando la serie termine la cuenta de los días regresa a cero y de allí, la continuación de esta serie será la imaginación de quienes lo lean. Esta historia es la del hombre tú pero puede ser también la historia de cualquiera que que tenga ganas de imaginar su vida y las vidas de los que están a su alrededor.

Treinta días de tu vida

Day 29 You have always been making decisions throughout your life. Some of your decisions were very wise and led you to experience great moments; but some other were the worst decisions ever made. You know I have always admired you no matter if you have triumphed or failed. I think that is why I am this person. I just wanted to write all that I thought was worth. There are more stories, more moments, and more pictures in my head but that will be something I might use in a future. Look at you: white hair, a few teeth, many wrinkles in your head and you are still very strong. Probably Mrs. Necha was right: you have iron-like bones. You have lived many years, seen many people die, played with and taught some generations. You have created an empire of many practical things. You inspired me and you know that because you hear me anytime I have something new to tell. I remember those kites you taught me to build, the Sunday mornings, the big ice-creams and the stories before going to bed. ...

Treinta días de tu vida

Day 28 Mrs. Necha, the maid, said that you had been born with strong bones. She learned about it the day you fell off the mango tree. You were climbing as you usually did when you were with your friends. That day, however, you were climbing trees alone. Mrs. Necha was doing the laundry and ironing some clothes. It was strange for her no to listen to your yelling. She got out of the house and saw you lying on the ground. You could not answer any of her questions. There were some tears in your eyes but  no sound came out of your mouth. She took you inside the house, set you in a bed and began to give you a massage with a special ointment she always carried with her. She thought at the beginning that you would never walk because you had fallen off from a very high tree. When your parents arrived, she told them what had happened to you. They had an argument with her that you heard them from inside your bedroom. She was was about to be fired but in that ...

Treinta días de tu vida

Day 27 Many years ago you got an informal job. It was the first time you began to make money on your own and you felt proud of it. Things, however, were not as easy as they seemed to be at the beginning. The big guys started to bully you. Then Beto appeared and he became your defender. He was always dealing with the thugs and you felt protected. Your work and money were safe. You grew some inches after some years and you needed Beto nomore. Then you left your job and moved to continue with your studies. Whenever you had the opportunity, you visited town and talked to Beto. You two always remembered those days when Tioto and his gang bullied you and you also told Beto that it had been thanks to him that you had survived. In one of your visits to town, you received bad news: Beto had died. You could not believe it. He had been you greatest friend, your defender and also your mentor. Nobody had told you because they knew you would leave everything you were doing to come b...

Treinta días de tu vida

Day 26 After quiting your job as an engineer, you moved back to town and worked as a farmer. In that little town you began to change as a person and then you began to influence people's lives by the actions you did. Nonetheless, some people did not like you to empower people because that decreased their power to make decisions about the future of the community. But your intention was never to face the thugs, all you wanted was to have a better life for those around you and you made it possible but your work began to spread and more and more people copied your model and later they were able to speak for themselves. You never said a word that caused a riot in town. It was just a plan of work to improve your space what made possible a mind revolution. You were never out to give strikes or close streets. Everybody remembers the type of man you were: no conflicts, no confrontation with the bad guys. It was your spirit and you peaceful philosophy what made a difference i...

Treinta días de tu vida

Day 25 Armando is the last of the homless in town. He knew Miguel and Peye as comtemporary homeless. There must be something about him that maintains him alive. He has gone through different hardships and you have seen most of them because your family adopted him just like they had done with Miguel. But Armando was not as humble as Miguel or Peye. Armando had some evil inside of him and their relationship ended. There have been stories around him that many people know but are afraid of telling them because of the possible consequences. Your family knows him and are as afraid any other family but no one can do anything. When Jaime died, everybody thought that he would leave the town because Jaime was the only man who trusted and supported him but nothing changed, Armando continued his life working to survive. He looks older now and is sick; there are some lines of expression in his scarred face and he looks tired but he hasn't given up. The questions that revolve around everybody...

Treinta días de tu vida

Day 24 You used to mention that you hated Sundays. Sundays were boring and sad at the same time. Sundays were the days when you ate alone and the food was plain. It was not like Saturdays when even the worst dish tasted good. Why was that? I used to ask. But you were always quiet whenever somebody asked you the same question. You were never open to answer that question. But when you began to socialize with Zoe everything changed. You loved Sundays because that was the most amusing day of the week for you and for her. You would take her to go for a ride in a bike or have a big ice-cream. Food began to taste good and by the end of the day your perception of it was worth. Your life changed for ever and you were able to show her all the pictures you had painted while you were away. You could read her all the stories you wrote thinking about her while you were in your trips. But that was not all. You taught her to make different hand-made crafts and she became the best young artisan. She...

Treinta días de tu vida

Day 23 You were never good at art classes.When your art teacher asked you to paint something you used to draw only lines, circles, triangles and squares. You knew that your work was crap but you kept painting despite being discouraged by everyone around you. Years went by and you graduated as an engineer. You were in important companies and you made good money but you felt hollow at times. One day you were in a platform in the middle of the sea and began to sketch some lines in your canvas. You were alone in the store room while the other guys were in the casino or with some hookers. It was one of those days when you were depressed. Painting was all you had and took it as a way to forget about your problems. You spent the whole day in that room and it seemed like you were not important for anyone because no one called you while you were locked in the room. By the end of the day, you were tired and hungry. You went to the dining room and had a big meal. The following day you finished...

Treinta días de tu vida

Day 22 It was almost the end of the day when you received a message. You were astonished by why had that girl decided to give you a chance for a date? You were skeptical about this message but you texted back and no answer was given. It was three o' clock, the very same day that you received that message. At this time, you were eating a delicious meal: Mexican cheese empanadas. The cook's daughter served you and blinked an eye. You were surprised. Why would she do that? She was younger than you and you had known her mother for more than twenty years. Then she approached again and you found out that she had a bliking eye. You laughed when you left the place.  You opened your eyes at 6:34 am. There was no electricity because of the storm. You reached a candle by your bed and went to the kitchen to get a lighter. That day there was no milkshake for you. You took your hat and walked like you did everyday. Someone called you and you typed something in your SixthSense devi...